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Unruly Bodies. The Effect Body As a Place of ResistanceYvonne Volkart
This essay demonstrates that the feminist cyborg fantasy is essentially generated through the notion that resistance is something localized in the body. This is nothing new when one considers that feminists in the seventies already started out from the assumption that the body is a battlefield. In recent years, however, the focus has turned towards the notion of a fundamental development into a hybrid or cyborg beyond pure. Exploring these notions, Volkart discusses different artistic positions and media strategies by Cindy Sherman, Dara Birnbaum, Toni Dove, Cornelia Sollfrank, Kristin Lucas, Jennifer Reeder, Pipilotti Rist, Ursula Biemann and others.. [more]
Running wild: «The Office Killer»
Cracking the Bases of the Information Age
Biological Warfare
Monstrous Desire
Death and Life in the Cyborg Society
Mobile Bodies
From a Cyborg to a Cyborg