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Hybrid Processes Between Art and Life

icon: authorRudolf Frieling

This essay deals with a broad spectrum of hybrid processes between art and life. Its examination of the concepts underlying Happening, Action and Performance art focuses on the question about the body-about the body along with its media interconnections as a field of both private and public action. The influence of twentieth-century avant-garde currents on the relationship between Happening, Action Art and Performance and in the media will be traced also in its effects on contemporary performative media art and the still pertinent questions on authenticity. [more]more

Text Sections
icon: heading Retinal shockicon: heading Private / Publicicon: heading Art = Lifeicon: heading The Society of the Spectacleicon: heading John Cage—The aesthetic of heterogeneityicon: heading >Happenings: Technical apparatuses for participationicon: heading «Action» in the media: Dramaturgy and do-it-yourselficon: heading Media and stage: Media amplifiersicon: heading Performance: Anywhere, anytimeicon: heading Without audience: A room of one's ownicon: heading Performativity and videoicon: heading Performativity as inscription, recording, signatureicon: heading Hybrid experimental setupsicon: heading Body and interfaceicon: heading Intervention in the body of the othericon: heading Augmented reality

18 Happenings in 6 Parts
24-hour Happening
Action lecture
Baba antropofágica
Björk: All is full of love
Black Gate Cologne
Body Sign Action
Body Superimpositions with Historical Reproductions
Bouncing in the Corner #1
Calling to the Point of Exhaustion
Corrections 1996–98
Cut Piece
Don't Believe I'm an Amazon
Electric Dress
Electronic Activation Room
Electronic Dé-coll/age, Happening Room
Exhibition of Jochen Gerz Next to His Photographic Reproduction
Experiments in Art and Technology - Documents
Exposition of Music – Electronic Television
Extra Ear
Facing a Family
Following Piece
Fractal Flesh
Fresh Acconci
From the Underdog File
Grande Serate
Heart Beats Dust
Les larmes d'acier
Live-Taped Video Corridor
Meat Joy
Morning Glory
Net Art Generator
On the Ball
One Year Performance 1980–1981 (Time Piece)
Painting Covers, Art Reveals
Personal Space
Ping Body
Prelude to 220, or 110
Purple Cross for absent now
Rape | 2
Rehearsal of Memory
Robot K-456
Semiotics of the Kitchen
Six People who cannot be remunerated for the Staying in the Interior of Cardboard Boxes
Slow Angle Walk
Society of spectacle
Son et Lumière: Bodily Fluids and Functions
Step Piece
TV Dé-coll/age for Millions
TV-Décoll/age no. 1
TV-News (TV Death 2)
Tap and Touch cinema
Television Décollage
The Andalusian Dog
The Birth Madonna
The Endless Sandwich
The Reincarnation of Saint Orlan
There is a Criminal Contact in Art
Traitor, you left fluxus (Postcard to Nam June Paik)
Two Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing to a Future State)
United States, Part 1-4
VB 50
Variations V
Vertical Roll
Virtual Arm
Why I never became a dancer
scanned V