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Themesicon: navigation pathOverview of Media Articon: navigation pathPerformance
Hybrid Processes Between Art and Life

icon: authorRudolf Frieling

Text Summary

Un chien andalou (Der andalusische Hund) (Buñuel, Luis/Dali, Salvador), 1928Tapp- und Tastkino (Export, Valie (Höllinger, Waltraud)), 1968One Year Performance 1980–1981 (Time Piece) (Hsieh, Tehching), 1980Grande Serate (Futuristen)18 Happenings in 6 Parts (Kaprow, Allan), 1959Art=Ben (Vautier, Ben)La societé du spectacle (Debord, Guy), 1967Variations V (Cage, John), 19654'33'' (Cage, John), 1952Television Décollage (Vostell, Wolf), 1963TV-Décoll/age no. 1 (Vostell, Wolf), 1958TV-dé-collage für Millionen (Vostell, Wolf), 1959Action Lecture (Weibel, Peter), 1968YOU (Vostell, Wolf), 196424 Stunden Happening (Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte), 1965Robot K-456 (Paik, Nam June), 1965Traitor, you left fluxus (Postkarte an Nam June Paik) (Paik, Nam June), 1964Exposition of Music – Electronic Television (Paik, Nam June), 1963Black Gate Cologne (Piene, Otto; Tambellini, Aldo), 1968Morning Glory (Vostell, Wolf), 1963Experiments in Art and Technology - Dokumente (E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology), 1967United States, Part 1-4 (Anderson, Laurie), 1983Da ist eine kriminelle Berührung in der Kunst (Ulay (Laysiepen, Uwe)), 1976Rufen bis zur Erschöpfung (Gerz, Jochen), 1972Purple Cross for absent now (Gerz, Jochen), 1980Ausstellung von Jochen Gerz neben seiner fotografischen Reproduktion (Gerz, Jochen), 1973Aus der Mappe der Hundigkeit (Export, Valie), 1969Step Piece (Acconci, Vito), 1970Triangle (Ivekovi&#263, Sanja), 1979Baba antropofágica (Clark, Lygia), 1973Live-Taped Video Corridor (Nauman, Bruce), 1970Viewer (Hill, Gary), 1996Bouncing in the Corner #1 (Nauman, Bruce), 1968Slow Angle Walk (Nauman, Bruce), 1969Sleep (Warhol, Andy), 1963Identifications (Schum, Gerry), 1970Malerei deckt zu, Kunst deckt auf! (Kriesche, Richard), 1977Rape (Lennon, John; Ono, Yoko), 1969Two Stage Transfer Drawing (Advancing to a Future State) (Oppenheim, Dennis), 1971Crux (Hill, Gary), 1983Shoot (Burden, Chris), 1971Prelude to 220, or 110 (Vorspiel zu 220) (Burden, Chris), 1971Body Sign Aktion (Export, Valie), 1970Meat Joy (Schneemann, Carolee), 1964Fuses (Schneemann, Carolee), 1964Electronic Activation Room (Schneemann, Carolee)La Réincarnation de Sainte Orlan (Orlan), 1990Selbstausstellung (Ulrichs, Timm), 1961Personal Space (Ostojić, Tanja), 1996Cut Piece (Ono, Yoko), 1965Fresh Acconci (McCarthy, Paul)Rape (Lennon, John; Ono, Yoko), 1969Following Piece (Acconci, Vito), 1969Corrections 1996–98 (Krastev, Rassim), 1996VB 50 (Beecroft, Vanessa), 2002Son et Lumière: Bodily Fluids and Functions (Boyle, Mark/Hills, Joan), 1966Heart Beats Dust; Cone Pyramid (Jean Dupuy), 1968Breath (Gabriel, Ulrike), 1992Rehearsal of Memory (Harwood, Graham), 1995Extra Ear (Stelarc)Virtual Arm (Stelarc)Ping Body (Stelarc), 1996Fractal Flesh (Stelarc)scanned V (Ziegler, Christian), 2001On the Ball (Dulzaides, Felipe), 2000