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«Cyborgs, Robots und Transhumanisten: Anmerkungen über die Widerständigkeit eigener und fremder Materialität»; Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, «Das virtuelle Geschlecht und seine metaphysischen Tücken. Das Fänomen Lara Croft»; N. Katherine Hayles, «Fleisch und Metall: Rekonfiguration des Geistkörpers in virtuellen Umwelten»; and Yvonne Volkart, «Das Fliessen der Körper. Weiblichkeit als Metapher des Zukünftigen». English contributions include: Rosi Braidotti, «Teratologies»; Marina Grzinic, «Dragan Zivadinov’s ‹Biomechanics Noordung›: The Body as Vector,» and N. Katherine Hayles, «Flesh and Metal: Reconfiguring the Mindbody in Virtual Environments.»
Despite the variety and differences between the texts, theories and artistic projects collected here, all of the contributors view the cyborg body in media art as an arena in and with which analyses can be carried out on the subject-altering effects of the new media and new technologies.
In closing, I would like to thank all of those who enabled the coming about of this project, in particular Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels, Sigrid Schade as Director of the Institute of Cultural Studies (ICS) at the
University of Art and Design, Zurich (HGKZ), Jennifer John for her assistance, and Verena Kuni, who was substantially involved in the project in its first conceptual phase. My thanks is also due to the contributing authors for their texts and to the artists and galleries who generously supplied illustrations of the required 5 works. The project would not have come about without the financial support of the HGKZ (ICS), Pro Helvetia, and the Präsidialdepartement of the City of Zurich.