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Themesicon: navigation pathMapping and Texticon: navigation pathInternetmapping
home Internet access (Dodge, Martin), 2001distribution of .DE domain (Sternberg, Rolf), 2001global diffusion of the Internet

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As widely documented, cities are increasingly becoming competitive enterprises, vying to attract investment of the high-tech sector. Maps are a potentially important tool for illustrating highcapacity internet infrastructure to potential inward investors and encouraging economic development. Examples include the «Bandwith Bay Fiber Network Mapping» by the City of San Diego and the «Georgia High-Speed Telecommunications Atlas» as well as document the so called ‹knowledge economy.›[11] (See the variations in the home Internet access across London) Similar quantitative assessment and mapping of the geographical patterns of competitive in the knowledge economy has also be undertaken at a national scale. Mark Krymalowski analysed data at the country level, plotting the geographical distribution of .DE domain registrations in Germany. In other words, the information economy is likely to grow most quickly around existing IT hubs, rather than invest in new, potentially cheaper, locations. These kind of maps when put together in a timeline, form a powerful means for tracking development and for predicting


future change. One project that illustrates this is that by Larry Landweber, and several organisations have taken his lead to produce longitudinal maps at different scales (e.g. TeleGeography). During the first half of the 1990s the Internet spread across the globe so that by the end of the decade virtually all nations were connected (although the number and capacity of connections still varies greatly). This global diffusion of the Internet was tracked by Landweber and charted in a series of maps providing a useful baseline census for policy of the spread of international network connectivity.[12]



Maps for Academic Internet Analysis

The seemingly magical ability to surf around a virtual globe of information, moving from website to website at a single click, belies the scale and sophistication of the sociotechnical assemblage of protocols, hardware, capital and labour that makes this possible. It has been widely argued by academics that the ICTs are transformative technologies that are having significant

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