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a second rating, and possibly for a third, etc. But the subjective decisions are accompanied by data from other people who have selected similar intersections as positive. In this way, the users' open and active participation builds up algorithmic knowledge about intersubjective preferences (here with reference to taste in music). In principle this works in precisely the same way as image results ratings in the Viper project. Behind this is the vision of a semantic network of references that was not developed according to archival, curatorial or other institutional (including police) criteria, but by the users' saving and adjustment of the data. Here, over and above the populistic rating, the aim is also to explore meaningful contingencies via a statistical database correlation program: «In other words the machine does not know that James Taylor belongs in the «Soft Rock» corner, but only that other users who like Tracy Chapman had time for JamesTaylor.« [47]

This can also be applied to neuronal nets: they do not ‹know› the semantics of the memory path, but they adjust to previous patterns, creating coherence and cultural continuity. [48] A practice is inscribed in an


archiving program and so becomes a monument or document, both concepts that produce cultural continuity, but at the same time this act changes the practice and the social process. We are in a cybernetic system of cycles and recursive processes, similar to the self-organizing community illustrations demonstrated by the Celis or Mongrel projects.

But examining language also shows how alterity and co-presence create a possibility-space in literature or also within the psychological processes of suppression and actualization of suppressed content, a space that operates with connotations and replacements. This emphasizes the paradigmatic axes of meaning. Thus every word has a meaning-volume that—and this is important for our concept of a dynamic archive—is always realized fragmentarily and differently. [49]

Jacques Derrida goes a step further by questioning «whether contradiction between the act of memory or archiving on the one hand and suppression on the other remains irreducible. As though one could not remember and archive precisely what one is suppressing, archive it by suppressing it (as suppression is archiving).» [50] Thus the archive is no longer a ‹given›,

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