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Themesicon: navigation pathCyborg Bodiesicon: navigation pathMonstrous Bodies

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produces seamless, homogenous and fluid surface aesthetics and suggests analogies to biotechnological feasibility, were of central importance in our discussion. Both our discussion about the technical requirements as well as the media spectrum of the works analyzed have shown, however, that the recurring theme of the homogenization and fluidization of body gender cannot only result from the modern technical means made possible by the new media technologies, but rather that on the one hand, the issue must be one of the basis fantasies that recur with every medium, and on the other hand one of specific historico-technical conditions that cannot be semantically negotiated with every medium.

If we assume that the dis-arranged gender body provides the arena for subject relations in the information age and its economies, then these recurring fantasies suggest the following conclusions: Both body models—the closed one and the open-fluid one—negotiate the two forms of control as discussed using the example of Deleuze's text «Postscript on the Societies of Control.» While the closed body armor model negotiates the older models of discipline,


enclosure and sealing, and at the same time again tries to lift the image of the individual whole body («the mole»), the second model represents the new forms of control as generated by the «informatics of domination» («the serpent»), and at the same time the possibility that something could go out of control and begin to monstrously proliferate. The effects and ambivalences of the productions are controlled to a substantial degree via latent structural gender attributions as described above, and they ultimately aid in the gender crises unconsciously becoming more important than realistic political references.

The reference to Theweleit showed that for the dominant notions, which revolve around the fusioning-closed or, conversely, the superficial-fluid body, at issue are not naturalistic-mimetic representations of acute anthropogeneses, but rather imaginary gender-based and gender-specific fictions. If one considers current stem cell research on human embryos as well as experiments with artificial insemination; if one looks closely at the fact that reproduction, even from a historical point of view, has been and continues to be one of the most vehemently

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