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Sauter, Joachim; Lüsebrink, Dirk »Invisible Shape of Things Past«
Ursula Biemann
«Writing Desire»
«Writing Desire» is a video essay on the new dream screen of the Internet and how it impacts on the global circulation of women's bodies from the third world to the first world. Although under-age Philippine ‹pen pals› and post-Soviet mail-order brides have been part of the transnational exchange of sex in the post-colonial and post-Cold War marketplace of desire before the digital age, the Internet has accelerated these transactions. The video provides the viewers with a thoughtful meditation on the obvious political, economic and gender inequalities of these exchanges by simulating the gaze of the Internet shopper looking for the imagined docile, traditional, pre-feminist, but Web-savvy mate. (Ursula Biemann)