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Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie »Satellite Arts Project« Christian Möller »Light Blaster«
Die Veteranen
«Venetian Deer»
Die Veteranen have put together another surprising piece – a welter of Dadaist wordplay, interactive sketches, moveable figures and retrievable sound samples. Users are given a number of simple tasks to complete; they are asked to wander through a labyrinthine underworld where they can combine pieces of music with phonetic sound-poems, make recordings of their own, and even access the publisher‘s own server via the Internet. There they will encounter leaping ‘Venetian Deer‘ from around the world. Submerged in a world of sounds and noises, images and animation, visitors click their way through 16 scenes of chaos. Whilst it is possible to navigate a path through this chaos, plenty of room remains for users to experiment and deploy their own ideas. Noises, sounds, texts and samples can be changed, alienated, twisted and reconnected, or put together as a miniature collage. The more complex sound levels were created by Manchester sound artists Stock, Hausen & Walkman. The group also samples and projects the material on the CD-ROM during live performances.