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Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»
Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger, «Kinetic Light Sculpture», 1992
© Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger

Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger «Kinetic Light Sculpture»

Categories: Public Space

Keywords: Interaction | Light

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 Möller, Christian; Kramm, Rüdiger
«Kinetic Light Sculpture»

This permanent light-sculpture is mounted on the front of the «Zeilgalerie» department store in Frankfurt/M. The piece decisively alters the night-time effect of the aluminium facade. With the onset of twilight, flowing bluish-yellow figures emerge that change in appearance according to environmental factors such as the weather. Temperature, wind and rain are the real-time factors of this light sculpture. The facade's appearance is determined by a computer (Silicon Graphics Indigo Entry) and a metereological station on the roof of the building. The prevailing temperature defines the amount of yellow in the piece. The yellow elements move in harmony with the direction and strength of the wind, while rain determines their vertical flow.
The upper part of the facade is occupied by a horizontal line design on a wide LED display, which at night renders visible the noise level of passers-by. During the day this graphic display is used for the presentation of local news.


Christian Möller