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Bernhard Leitner «TON-RAUM TU BERLIN»
«.walk» by raises regimentation to an art form by giving instructions for a walk through a city. These instructions correspond to an algorithm and can be traced back to a simple computer programme:
1 st street left
2 nd street right
2 nd street left
The psychogeographical project «.walk» supplies instructions (software) on how to use a city (hardware). In principle, however, this artistic position offers no compelling case for involvement with programmed software, providing instead a general reflection on rules and their use. The artistic interest in this case is concentrated on the instruction.
«If the city is a database of human culture through the ages than generative psychogeography is the query best suited for weaving unconnected facts into a logical dataset.
This is an example of the .walk software psychogeographers will be running during the experiment .
This experiment is Phase 0 in the eventual construction of the UGPC (Universal Generative Psychogeographical Computer).» (
Tjark Ihmels