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Rebecca Horn «Berlin Exercises in Nine Pieces» | Perfomance
Rebecca Horn, «Berlin Exercises in Nine Pieces», 1974 – 1975
Perfomance | Photography | ©

Rebecca Horn «Finger Gloves»

 Rebecca Horn
«Berlin Exercises in Nine Pieces»

«Sleeping underwater and seeing things that are happening far away» – this alternative title for the «Berlin-Exercises» illustrates the unexpectedly dreamlike and poetical dimension these seemingly documentary-style episodes possess. In eight exercises plus non-animated epilogue – hence the title «Berlin-Exercises in Nine Pieces» – the mis-en-scène of objects in an interior space serves Rebecca Horn as a way of investigating and perceiving internal states. These states are conveyed in constellations and sequences with a performance-like character that carries on from earlier works, particularly the outdoor ones. The title would seem to suggest that the city of Berlin constitutes an invisible foil, an ‹outside› perceptible only through the medium of mental processes in an empty room. The windows to the outside world are closed.

9. Epilogue
After the 8 «Berlin-Übungen» the following text is superimposed as an epilogue over the picture of the room, whose windows are now open: «When the woman and her lover lie on their sides, looking at each other, and she wraps her legs round his legs and the windows are open wide, it is the oasis.»