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Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»
Jochen Gerz
«The Berkeley Oracle»
«The Berkeley Oracle» was a project for the Berkeley Art Museum and the ZKM Medienmuseum. As in many other works, Jochen Gerz is concerned with investigating the present day. Internet users from around were invited to ask the Oracle ‹pressing, unforgotten, new or never posed questions›, which form a kind of collective archive within the Net.
Through the «Berkeley Oracle», the consequences of the 1968 eruption of student protests in, among other places, Berkeley, are brought into confrontation with the real questions of Internet users. In this capacity, Berkeley represents a break with the past, and the impulse to think, challenge, and to think on. A second project phase took place as an exhibition, first in Berkeley, then at the ZKM. Gerz selected 40 questions posed via the Internet and placed them in photo/text form in all public areas of the museums. The background image to the Internet users' questions was a photographic detail of the ruins at Delphi.