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Bjørn Melhus «Again & Again/The Borderer» | Again & Again
Bjørn Melhus, «Again & Again/The Borderer», 1998
Again & Again | Courtesy: Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen | Videostill | © Bjørn Melhus


 Bjørn Melhus
«Again & Again/The Borderer»

In the video installation «Again & Again,» Melhus tells—not without humor—the story of a person engaged in an inner dialogue on the subject of reproduction, only to be rejected by the clone whose qualities are superior to his own. The possibility of multiplying oneself ends in a loss of subjectivity. While in this case Melhus questions the identity of the self set before a genetically-altered living situation, in his preceding works he exposed the self as being the projection surface of medial images.