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introduction of the internal observer following the traditional assumption of the external observer (exo-physics). [4] «This internal consideration differs from the quantum-physical problem of observerdependence in that the measuring problem continues to be regarded in the latter as one that is objective (and reality as objectively capricious), whereas in endo-physics the internal observer is constitutive in a precise sense. That makes the relativization and observer-dependency of the world considerably more radical.» [5]

Rössler puts it that since the introduction of perspective in the Renaissance, and of group theory in the nineteenth century, world-views have been known to be dependent on the localization of the observer in the sense of a co-distortion. A change of the observer’s position directly influences the angle of observation. The new covariance principle in endo-physics means that movements ‹within› the observer bring about distortions in the world. This implies that the ambition to describe the world unconditionally can be realized only from a position outside the world. Such a position, however, can be


taken up only in a model world and not in reality. Endo-physics in this way shows the measure in which objective reality is necessarily dependent on the observer. The radical consequence of this finding is that the world is not the place «where one believes oneself to be, but is the place of the interface.» [6] The creation of such an interface was not possible before the advent of the computer. Endo-physics therefore proposes a theory of model and simulation. This interface is not accessible from within our world; only a simulated world, a model, enables access to such an interface, for instance in the form of an artificial, computergenerated world. Within a computer-simulated ‹universe,› the observer is able to take up a position outside the non-trivial universe. Working with model worlds, this method offers the basic possibility of moving beyond the interface between observer and world (to take a peek behind the curtains). In this respect endo-physics is proving to be an expansion of the natural sciences.

Observer and interface are therefore central research issues in endo-physics. The conceptual transformation implied by endo-physics is connected

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