| Media | Texts in |
Works |
1. Laurie Anderson «United States, Part 1-4» |  | Overview of Media Art Sound and Image |
2. Claus Blume «Knee Game III» |  | |
3. Klaus, vom Bruch «Coventry War Requiem» |  | |
4. Butzmann, Frieder; Kapielski, Thomas «The Woman's Role» |  | |
5. John Cage «4'33''» |  | Overview of Media Art Generative Tools Public Sphere_s |
6. John Cage «Europeras 1 & 2» |  | |
7. John Cage «Variations V» |   | Overview of Media Art |
8. John Cage «Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake» | | Overview of Media Art |
9. John Cage «Writings through Finnegans Wake» | | |
10. Thaddeus Cahill «Telharmonium» |  | Sound and Image |
11. Louis-Bertrand Castel «Ocular Harpsicord» |  | |
12. Phil Corner «Piano Activities» |  | |
13. Stan Douglas «Onomatopoeia» |  | Overview of Media Art |
14. E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology «Experiments in Art and Technology - Documents» |  | Overview of Media Art |
15. Thomas Alva Edison «Phonograph» |   | Sound and Image |
16. Ulrich Eller «In the Circle of Drums» |  | |
17. Brian Eno «Generative Music 1» |  | Generative Tools |
18. Valie Export «Split Reality» |  | |
19. Jean Theodore Fantin-Latour «Lohengrin Präludium» |  | Sound and Image |
20. Furukawa, Kiyoshi; Fujihata, Masaki; Münch, Wolfgang «Small Fish» |  | Sound and Image |
21. Klaus Gasteier «SMiLE. Dumb Angel» |  | Overview of Media Art |
22. Granular Synthesis «Noisegate» |  | Sound and Image |
23. Granular Synthesis «Reset» |  | Sound and Image |
24. Granular Synthesis «Sinken» |  | Sound and Image |
25. Hiller, Lejaren; Isaacson, Leonard «Illiac Suite» |  | Overview of Media Art |
26. Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack «Farbenlicht-Spiel» |  | Sound and Image |
27. Rolf Julius «Concert for a Frozen Lake» |  | |
28. Paul Klee «Fuge in Rot» |  | |
29. Paul Klee «Fuge in Rot» |  | Sound and Image |
30. Max Klinger «Beethoven» |  | |
31. La Monte Young «Dream House» |   | Overview of Media Art Sound and Image |
32. Le Corbusier; Iannis Xenakis; Edgard Varèse «Poème électronique» |   | Overview of Media Art |
33. Robert Lippok «Hausmusik in 12 Modulen» |   | Sound and Image |
34. Robert Lippok «Space to Face» |   | Sound and Image |
35. George Maciunas «Poster for ‘Fluxusfestspiele’» |  | |
36. Christian Marclay «Berlin Mix» |   | Overview of Media Art |
37. Gordon Monahan «Speaker Swinging» |   | Overview of Media Art |
38. Max Neuhaus «Drive In Music» |  | Overview of Media Art |
39. Max Neuhaus «Radio Net» |   | Overview of Media Art |
40. Carsten Nicolai «∞» |  | Generative Tools |
41. Marcel Odenbach «The Distance between Me and my Losses» |   | Overview of Media Art |
42. Marcel Odenbach «Piano Concerto for Three Hands and Horribly Out-of-Tune Instruments» |  | |
43. Marcel Odenbach «Weep Not Child – Je Ka Bere» |  | |
44. Nam June Paik «Action with a violin on a string (staged during «Exposition of Music – Electronic Television»)» |  | |
45. Nam June Paik «Hommage à John Cage» |  | Overview of Media Art |
46. Nam June Paik «As Boring As Possible» |  | |
47. Nam June Paik «Primitive Music» |  | |
48. Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte «Opera sextronique» |  | |
49. Paik, Nam June; Moorman, Charlotte «TV-Bra for Living Sculpture» |  | Overview of Media Art Sound and Image |
50. Markus Popp «Oval Process Public Beta» |  | Sound and Image |
51. Markus Popp «Wohnton» |  | Sound and Image |
52. Walter Ruttmann «Light-Play Opus I» |   | Overview of Media Art Sound and Image |
53. Erik Satie «Vexations» |   | Overview of Media Art |
54. Pierre Schaeffer «Études aux chemins de fer» |   | Overview of Media Art |
55. Kurt Schwitters «Ursonate» |   | Sound and Image |
56. Laetitia Sonami «Lady's Glove» |    | |
57. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Gesang der Jünglinge» |   | Overview of Media Art |
58. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Spherical Concert Hall» |  | Overview of Media Art |
59. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Originals» |  | |
60. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Study I» |   | Overview of Media Art Sound and Image |
61. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Study II» |  | Generative Tools |
62. Karlheinz Stockhausen «Zyklus für einen Schlagzeuger» | | Generative Tools |
63. Supreme Particles «Airport-Tunnel» |  | |
64. David Tudor «Bandoneón !» |  | |
65. unbekannt (unknown) «The Acoustic Backdrop of a Battle in the Radio Station’s Auditorium» |  | Sound and Image |
66. Hermann von Helmholtz «Tuning-fork oscillator» |  | |
67. Richard Wagner «Festspielhaus Bayreuth» |  | Sound and Image |
68. WDR Studio Akustische Kunst (WDR Studio Acoustic Art) «WDR Studio Acoustic Art» |  | |
69. Herbert Wentscher «All For the Best – video songs» |   | |
70. Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes» |  | |