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Tony Conrad «The Flicker» | Still
Tony Conrad, «The Flicker», 1965 – 1966
Still | © Tony Conrad


Works by Tony Conrad:

The Flicker


 Tony Conrad

b 1940. He is known in various circles as an avant-guarde video artist, experimental filmmaker, musician/composer, sound artist, teacher and writer. Along with John Cale, Angus MacLise, La Monte Young, and Marian Zazeela Conrad was a co-founder of the Theater of Eternal Music, which utilized non-Western musical forms and sustained sound to produce what they called dream music. Their collective work «Day of Niagara» (1965) is one of the earliest examples of the work of the new minimal composers/performers. Graduate of Harvard University in 1962, teaches at the Department of Media Study at S.U.N.Y. Buffalo.